Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Slandering Israel from Palestinians in Portland

Nadene Goldfoot
Free speech is all well and good in America. At Portland State University the Palestinians will have their day to slander Israel in the name of "free speech".

On June 19th, 2007 they will have a free all day propaganda session from 10am to 5pm in Hoffmann Hall. This reminds me of the recent Reed College night propaganda speech I attended. Only a few of the packed audience were Jews. I was curious to see how the Palestinians presented their case.

Way back during World War II, propaganda was spread about Blacks, Japanese and Jews. This is one way of fighting those you hate, and there's always the uninformed who are willing to gobble it up as it suits their thoughts exactly. A Wolf Creek man stated that "we should kill off all the Jews". Rumors implied that Jews were shirking their army duties. Others stated that "Jews controlled all the wealth of the world". In Bend people were saying that Jews were just making a big profit out of the scrap and rubber businesses.

Hitler said that if you repeat something often enough, others will believe it. That's exactly what the Palestinians will be doing now in this Portland State U. all day session.

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