Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tony Blair's Sister-in-Law: a Palestinian Activist

Nadene Goldfoot
Actor Anthony "Tony" Booth of Liverpool, England and  Pamela Smith Cohen, aka Susie Ripley, Jewish model,  never married but had two daughters.    Evidently she did not bring either of them up as Jewish because Sarah "Lauren" Booth, 44 years old,  was not. The irony is that because her mother was Jewish accounts for her being considered Jewish according to Jewish law.   Tony is the father of 6 daughters and Lauren was the 6th.   She is the 14 years years younger half- sister of Cherie Blair nee Booth who is married to Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of Great Britain.  Tony Booth is the cousin of the American Booth family which includes John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Abraham Lincoln.  It was reported that Cherie and Lauren weren't speaking to each other. 

Sarah Booth, who now goes by the name, Lauren, a broadcaster and journalist, works for Iran's English language news channel Press TV.  Why Iran?  It must not be uncomfortable for her as she's a pro-Palestinian activist.  She's so impresssed with Iran that she converted to Islam while there.  She must be swallowing all the lies fed to her from Iran.  Now she has called upon Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt to liberate al Qads, which is the Arab term for Jerusalem. 

How is Tony Blair being influenced by his sister-in-law's persuasion to back Palestine?  For one thing, he has converted to his wife's religion of  Roman Catholicism.  On the 14th of January 2009 Blair visited Washington DC and in the guest book wrote his home as Jerusalem.  He told the people at the "Prayer Breakfast" that he attended there that he spends a lot of time in Jerusalem. "He reported his Palestinian guide as bemoaning the fate of his nation looking to heaven and saying “Moses, Jesus, Mohammed: why did they all have to come here?" For Blair the Holy City is "a good place to reflect on religion: a source of so much inspiration; an excuse for so much evil."  Tony Blair just happens to be a Representive for the QUARTET, the group that is so important to Israel's life.  "I condemn unreservedly today's brutal attacks in Southern Israel, as I do all such acts of terror. The targeting of innocent civilians can never be justified. I send my condolences to the victims, and their friends and families, and I hope the perpetrators of these appalling incidents will be quickly brought to justice." he stated

The Quartet is made up of four entities: The UN, USA, European Union and Russia and was formed in 2002 in Madrid to settle the Palestinian-Israel situation.  Tony Blair is their current Special Envoy. 

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