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Monday, November 20, 2023

Casualies in Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon

BarZilai Medical Center 2023
(Nadene Goldfoot)

Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon Underground
Lea Malul at Barzilai on Sunday, December 28th reported to Tamar Boussi, president of Portland Ashkelon Sister City Association, and she explained their situation--they have had around 10-12 casualities nearly everyday and are swamped. The article below explains some of their preparation.
Wary of a missile strike from nearby Gaza, Ashkelon's Barzilai Hospital has moved its most essential departments into an underground bomb shelter. In February a rocket from Gaza landed adjacent to the hospital's helicopter pad and in May a rocket crashed into a busy shopping mall in the city, injuring 14 people. On Saturday, Barzilai relocated the most vulnerable departments and placed its least mobile patients - such as those in the geriatric, infant and maternity wards - underground. On Sunday, two rockets fell in Ashkelon itself and another 22 in the surrounding district, as warning sirens sent doctors, patients and guests rushing for cover several times. In Barzilai's underground children's ward, sick Gazans lay alongside sick Israelis. Dr. Ron Lobel, the hospital's deputy director, said that his facility had close ties with Gaza's Shifa hospital, and accepted many of its patients who need treatment the Gazan hospital cannot provide. (AP)
Reference: from Tamar Boussi, Portland, OR

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Jews in Arab Lands: Then and Now


                            Ofrah Hazah, singer from Yemen

At one time there were 100,000 Jews living in Iran. Persia, as it was called, was the home of Queen Esther or Hadassah, who was married to King Ahashuaros. It was she who saved her people by telling her husband of the plot of Haman to kill all the Jews. She had to expose herself to her husband who did not know that she was Jewish in order to do this. The brave woman readied herself on a diet of seeds and nuts for three days in order to approach him on this delicate subject, no doubt to fit into that special dress. 
   My favorite singer in Israel from Yemen, Ofrah Hazah

Today there are about 11,000 Jews left in Iran. In my own family, a cousin's husband escaped from Iran on a camel in order to leave the country.

Algeria had 140,000 Jews and now less than 100 remain.

Egypt had 75,000. I taught in the same school as an Egyptian Jewish gal in Israel. She was teaching English. Today there are less than 100.

Iraq had 150,000 Jews, much to my surprise, although Ur is in Iraq. This is the ancient city where Abraham was born and had left. By 2009 there were about 35 Jews remaining there.

Lebanon had 20,000 Jews. Now it has less than 100.

Libya had 38,000 but now has none.

Morocco had a whopping 265,000 Jews. The heads of our English Department in Safed were from Morocco. Michelle loved Paris and had clothes from her mother from there. Many Moroccans lived in Safed. Today there are about 5,500 Jews there.

Syria had 30,000 Jews. Today they have less than 100.

Tunisia had 105,000 Jews. Today they have about 1,500.

Yemen was the home of 55,000. Today there are about 200 left. I believe this had been the home of my favorite Israeli female singer, Ofrah Hazah. She became very famous in Israel, and fell upon sad times by dying from drug overdose. I was heartbroken. She was such a wonderful and young singer.

Israel declared itself a state in May 1948 with the blessing of the U.N. Immediately war broke out causing 800,000 Jews to be forced to leave Arab countries where they had been living for two millennia. They moved to their new country of Israel, ready or not, as their native country had turned against them.

Living in Israel was not easy for them. These Jews had to compete with Ashkenazi Jews, many of which were more educated. The army duty was a place where all were treated the same and became a place of integration. Many of the towns these Jews came from were quite primitive, so they had cultural changes. Now we see that this new melting pot is doing quite well.

Resource: Stand With Us's Pocket Facts of Israel

Monday, October 16, 2023

The Jewish and Arab DNA History Over the Past 4,000 Years

 Nadene Goldfoot                                             

    Judea, from which today's Jews come from, was made up of  people from the tribe of Judah and  Simeon who were full brothers sharing the parents, Leah and Jacob.  Also, some of the population were from the tribe of Benjamin whose parents were Rachel, Leah's sister and Jacob.                           
Jews of today are finding that people have within their genes, a haplotype, like a tag that tells who you came from originally, like the name of the company that produced you.  We are told that the 12 tribes were fathered by Jacob, son of Isaac, who was son of Abraham.  However, the mothers of the 12 tribes were:  two sisters-Leah and Rachel and their two handmaids who had 2 sons each;  Zilpah and Bilhah. Leah had six and Rachel had two who turned out to be most important;  Joseph, the favorite son, and Benjamin, born when Rachel died in childbirth.  

Their haplogroups would be expected to all be the same as Abraham since a haplotype is passed in each generation by the male to his sons.  All the sons of Jacob should be the same-which reflect Abraham's haplotype.  However, we have a group of Jewish haplogroups common to us instead of one single type. 

The problem is that not every generation produced sons, or sons that continued their line with sons.  A daughter most likely became the progenitor of the family and her husband's haplogroup became the tag showing his origins, not the daughter's.  That tells us who the available men were to the women.  

Jacob and Rachel in the center with Joseph; Leah on the left with the 6 boys;  she will have Dinah, the only girl;  On the left are Zilpah and Bilhah and

We assume that J1 was the Cohen gene.  Every tribe had someone from the tribe of Levi (also brother of Leah and Jacob) who were direct descendants of Aaron, brother of Moses, who became the priests or Cohens. I have even found that many Arabs also carry the J1 gene, different with the tag endings showing it was an Arab line and not a Jewish line, like this one:  J1c3d.  As you get into genetics, SNPs become important.  "When same tribes cluster under same SNP, it draws clear distinction to their tribe YDNA signature and the all others who get same SNP are linked to same tribe Genetically.  "  There are several common SNPs that Arabs have that differentiate them from the Jewish Cohens. 

(J1) haplogroup had expanded to the rest of the world all over history but distinctively during two main periods. It had expanded out of Fertile Crescent about 7000-9000 years ago during the Neolithic times (last part of the stone age). The other period was during Arab migration with the expansion of Islamic empire on 6th century AC. (source Nadia Al-Zahery et al research). 

 They were not to inherit land for their tribe like the other siblings, but the tribe was broken up and the men served among their siblings teaching them. It was an honor of service.  It's also the most common identification for Jews today.

Other male haplogroups are E, which is quite large, G, I, Q (which my father is) J2, and R.  A popular female line is K.    

Judea was that part of ancient Israel's southern end and was the area left untouched when the Assyrians attacked the Northern tribes and took away most of the population there in 721 BCE.  "Assyria, named for the god Ashur (highest in the pantheon of Assyrian gods), was located in the Mesopotamian plain. It was bordered on the west by the Syrian desert, on the south by Babylonia, and on the north and east by the Persian and Urarthian hills (see J. D. Douglas, ed., The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, s.v. “Assyria,” 1:137). This area today is primarily the nation of Iraq."

Then in 597 BCE and again in 586 BCE the Babylonians had attacked when they destroyed Solomon's Temple, and took most of their population to Babylon, allowing them with the choice of returning 50 years later in 538 BCE or staying in Babylon.  Some did return and rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem.  

In 70 CE, Jerusalem was burned down and the 2nd Temple destroyed by the Romans. We were left with threats of not to return by the Romans.  Other empires took the land.   Jews divided  in fleeing for their lives and in getting out of Jerusalem.  So many had died from starvation, slaughtered, taken as slaves to Rome, and those who could still walk went in 3 directions:  to Spain and became the Sephardim;  neighboring communities and became the Mizrachim, or to Germany via Rome becoming the Ashkenazim.  That was 1,953 years ago.  

Our DNA tests manage to go back about 1,000 years to gain more information about our origins.  Then some tools can go back further, which FTDNA has in their program.  Mostly, we will be told of people who are at the most 5th (or further) cousins.  I have read that we Jews are all at least 20th cousins, and that's going back quite a ways. has tools that can connect people with the smallest amount of measurable DNA, 3cMs where FTDNA uses 6 cMs for their smallest amount.  I have a Goldberg who shares DNA with my brother who is a 3rd to 5th cousin.  We share 5 segments on 4 chromosomes amounting to 53 cMs.  He's not a Q but an E.  Most other Goldbergs who share with my brother are 4th cousins. 

We were almost wiped out by the Holocaust and were left with 6 million living now in Israel, 6 million in USA and 2 million elsewhere in the world. so we make up only 0.2% of today's world population.  

In retrospect, for a people such as the Palestinians sharing a wee bit of their DNA with some of us from the past , the J1 haplogroup, we are as different as can be in morality and how we view life.  For many years the genealogists said that there was no connection with Palestinians compared with other Middle Eastern countries.  Tools are now more efficient and evidently SNPs have been found.   


Tanakh, (Bible) The Stone Edition

Monday, December 27, 2021

Looking Back At Jewish Portland: Old South Portland

 Nadene Goldfoot

Nathan Abraham Goldfoot, b: 1871 Lithuania                                               

                                                                        Son, Morris "Meshke"  Goldfoot 
                                                       born July 1, 1908, 
  Nathan  Goldfoot                            boxed at the Neighborhood House
                                                        went pro as "Billy Meshke"
Dad did well for himself. Since his father died when he was 4, he and his brother sold newspapers like a lot of the other little Jewish boys out on the city streets. Everyone spoke Yiddish;  no English.   He had to drop out of high school to work and support his family so missed his last year.
He had been in a lot of sports and was on the baseball team, which he loved.  He missed that a lot.  He was also in track.  
 He got a job at the neighborhood kosher butcher shop next to the Lincoln Theater on 3rd and Lincoln and worked, learning the business under a strict owner,  even unable to attend my birth.  Later, he opened up his own Lincoln Wholesale Meats and I worked in it after school as his bookkeeper.                                 

Then he expanded, opening up Silver Falls Meat Packing Co in Columbia Blvd and owned giant cattle trucks. He bought cattle at auctions in eastern Oregon, and brought them to Portland, turning them into steaks, etc. I tried my hand at  collecting from the retail stores who were in arrears.  Ugh.  I'm a better teacher.   I attended Portland State at that point.  

While a newby in the meat business, Dad took in a German Jewish refugee at the nudging of his Uncle Max "Turshinsky"/Turn of La Grande who had a furniture store.  The refugee,  who got out of Germany in 1939. was Werner Oster who then married Dad's sister, Anne.  We all never went hungry for meat.  Charlie married Helen Hochfeld who's granddfather was a well-known Rabbi in Portland, Rabbi Chaim David Hochfeld from Ukraine.  Helen's father, William Hochfeld,  had opened up a department store in Grand Coulee, Washington, so Charlie  worked for him.  

My paternal grandfather, Nathan Abraham Goldfus-anglicized to Goldfoot during his stay in England, was (born in 1871), was  an immigrant from Telsiai, Lithuania and his wife, Zlata or Essie Jermulowske (born in 1886) , was an immigrant from Lazdjai, Suwalki, Lithuania. Nathan had immigrated from Lithuania to England, then to Dublin, Ireland, and took a ship to Winnepeg, Canada in 1893. In June of 1893 he was on the Londonderry and 22 years old, listed as a farm laborer, and was headed to land in Quebec.  Nine other passengers were on the ship with him.   Then he got to Portland, according to his death certificate, in 1899.                          

    Here, Charlie/Haskel, is sitting, my dad, Meshke/Morris, is standing.

 Nathan was 37 when his 1st son, Charlie, was born in 1906. My dad was born in 1908.   Nathan arrived in Portland in 1899, and I found him on the 1910 census as he died in 1912. They lived at 265 Arthur.  They had met in Council, Idaho and married in Boise.  After about a year, they moved to South Portland, Oregon.  My grandmother, Bubba in Yiddish, attended the Mead Street Shul.  

It's a place I wound up as a teacher teaching the Jewish Chabad school's K and 1st grades.  The roof was leaking during the rain and at times I actually used an umbrella in the classroom. That caused the school to move out a ways near a lake. I attended Neveh Zedek Synagogue, a Conservative one, with Rabbi Kleinman.  Nathan and Zlata Goldfoot had 4 children;  Charles, Moshe-Morris, Elsie and Ann.  My father, Morris-Maurice, was born July 1, 1908.  Charles was born September 22, 1906.                                                    

       Many Jews became peddlers all over the US when they immigrated

Nathan died before Ann was born in 1912.  He had been a peddler with one horse and wagon, supplied to him by a group, and one day the horse was startled and frightened, so ran through the streets of SE Portland as Nathan would pick up boxes from the port to be delivered in SE Portland and deliver them to businesses.  Nathan was thrown out of the wagon, a wagon without any identification on it, hit his head, and was taken to Providence-St. Vincent's Hospital in NE Portland. 

 He never woke up, but died there, and my Bubba, at home on a Friday, waiting for him to come home, pregnant, didn't hear a thing about it.  Finally, several days later, someone came to her door and told her that her husband was dead.  She cursed that man for not coming immediately to tell her.  He died several years later.  

Bubba had to pluck chickens for a living.  She lost control with 3 little children and pregnant with another girl.  She had a girl 1  and 2 boys, age 4, 6 when she became a widow.  Sometimes she had to chase them under the bed with a broom.   

My grandfather, coming from Russia, didn't trust banks, so he hid his money in the barn where he kept his horse.  After his death, Bubbie looked for it but could find nothing.  She was destitute but had a brother nearby who wanted to adopt my father.  She said no, and kept them altogether.                                                                                

Here is a mid-century reproduction photograph of the original Failing Public School in Portland Oregon. Bubba's children, Charlie, Morris, Elsie and Ann attended Failing School that was in their neighborhood from 1911 on.  The school was built in 1882 and named for former Portland Mayor Josiah Failing. Photograph by Mentzer the Photographer – 203 N E Russell St in Portland Oregon. The photo has a description stating the school name and dates of operation as well as its destruction date of 1922.  The Failing I see today and have seen all my life is still standing.          

The school was closed down and the building abandoned. Located at 049 Southwest Porter Street near the west end of the Ross Island Bridge, it was a central location for the fast-growing community college. Despite the poor name for an education building, Failing provided PCC with 22 classrooms at a single location and a place for its new headquarters, which had been in an old portable building behind Benson High School.  It's been recycled into a city college building. If you cross the Ross island bridge from SE to SW and turn right and go around and then forward, you will see the school on the right.                                                      

                                                              Judge Gus Solomon, my father's peer

Gould "Gus" Jerome Solomon was born in Portland, Oregon in South Portland, too.  He was born August 29, 1906. He should have attended school with Charlie Goldfoot.  Gus's parents were Jacob (born 1872 in Hoosh, Romania, and Rose Solomon, (born 1872 in Ukraine, a Russian state). They married in Portland not long after arriving in Portland.   His mother died in childbirth and his father died young.  He was raised by relatives.  When they arrived in Portland, it was during the severe depression of 1893 to 1897.  He as a peddler, opened a small 2nd-hand store, first with Max Barrell who was also from Hoosh, and later with Morris Augustin.  By 1910, Portland was doing better and was the Pacific Northwest's leading financial, commercial, port and rail center and it ranked 28th in urban population and 55th in manufacturing value.  The Jews who had come here were in trade and commerce.  South Portland's tailor, shoemakers, and storekeepers largely served workers' families.  60% of its Jewish heads in South Portland in 1910 were either proprietors or clerks, while another 18% were on the fringe of proprietorship as expressmen or peddlers (my Zaida-grandpop that I never got to meet).  Many just eked out a living.  

In 1900 the Solomons lived on First Street in South Portland.  Jacob was a clothing merchant at age 29.  They both said they were from Poland to the census taker.  Eugene had been born in 1895 in Portland.  

By 1920 they were living in the NE section of Portland on NE Knott and 14th.  Gus was 13 and his siblings were Eugene J, 23, Sam 21, Claire 19 and Delphine 17.  They were going up in society; out of the   cozy ghetto. 

Rose was born as Rifka Rochel Rosencrantz in 1872 near Kiev, under the Czar. Helen Hochfeld's grandfather was also from Ukraine.   For Russian Jews, there were no civil rights, but there were ruinous restrictions on trading, and periodic expulsions from towns and villages.  Pogroms savaged them early in the 1880's.  They suffered from being evicted from cities, new discriminatory laws that popped up, and heightened violence that worsened conditions in the 1890's.  

Between 1880 and 1920, millions of people from Europe, the Ottoman empire, and Asia created the greatest immigration era in the US history.  In these years, 1/3 of eastern European Jewry left for the fabled USA. which in 1880 had only a quarter-million Jews, about 1/6 from eastern Europe.  By 1900, some 600,000 more eastern European Jews had arrived; 45% of them women and girls.  

The city contained the urban Far West's 2nd highest % of foreign-born people in 1890 and 1900, most of them clustered in the same neighborhoods.  In 1910,  Portland's population was 207,000 with some 5,000 Jews, almost 1/2 from eastern Europe, and they belonged to Portland's synagogues. in 1920, at least 11,000 religiously affiliated Jews lived in the city with 258,288 people which some 6,000 of them were living in or near South Portland.   

Rose's brothers, Abraham and Jacob Rosencrantz, brought the 22 year old Rose to Portland in 1894.  Other siblings followed later.  Similar networks of relatives and friends encouraged Atlantic crossings and helped newcomers.  

The Rosencrantz brothers became leading figures in Jewish South Portland, respected for their learning in Talmud. (Oh dear, my father was thrown out of Hebrew school because at age 4, he was already on the streets of Portland selling newspapers, already making change for people.  He told me that people came to him more than to his older brother, Charlie, who was 6.   He wouldn't listen to the teacher, and probably was noisy and disruptive.)  He never got another chance.

Abraham Isaak Rosencrantz (b:July 4,1875--d: July 17, 1936) became a well-known cantor in small congregations---Shaarie Torah and Neveh Zedek Talmud Torah---and an interim rabbi.  Jacob, called John, became a synagogue sexton. Jacob was born in 1864, died in 1938, buried in Rose city Lodge's Neveh Zedek Cemetery.    

 Jacob became a prospering merchant, though he only had a Hebrew school education in the old country.  At least he was literate in one language.  This school prepared him in about 2 years to be bar-mitzvahed. He was ambitious so attended a night school for 2 years where he learned to write a crude English, math and read from newspapers, and then he moved to key West, Florida which had a large Romanian community and lived in Tampa for 4 or 5 years.  He became a salesman, possibly  attended the World's Fair in Chicago selling merchandise there in 1893, which is when he moved to Portland, where he knew of other Romanian Jews.  I wonder if he knew Beedie and her husband, Max Etlinger who had a son, Joel and a daughter, Joannie?         

In Romania, Jews were barred from town and city peddling, their era of legal persecution of Jews, called a "cold pogrom," by historians when the government "defined Jews as enemies of the nation, removed them from the state school system, and encouraged occasional violence."  Jews were disqualified from citizenship periodically and expelled from villages, deported, and worn down by poverty. 

 So Jacob immigrated at age 14 early in 1886, one of 5,518 other Romanians.  They made up only 4% of the east European Jewish tide arriving between 1880 and 1920.   

Leon Feldstein's family came from Rumania in 1907. Other Rumanians would pop in and his mother would play the piano and guitar for people to dance.  They would have a Mameliga party which consisted of a huge tub of mameliga, a corn meal-hardened corn meal mush. Everyone was poor. Gravy was added to the mameliga, a few pieces of meat and lots of onion and garlic.     

South Portland was 14 blocks long that ran from the Willamette River westward 6 to 10 blocks to end in a large garbage dump that could have been "The Gulch", near the Ross Island Bridge, which was in front of the Goldfoot duplex that was also near the Neighborhood House.  It's said that it was a classic 1st settlement neighborhood.  European Jews and Italian Catholic immigrants lived here and got along well.  I remember a kosher Deli and and Italian Deli right across the street from each other. my father would send me over to them from our SE home on a Sunday morning to buy some kippered salmon.

The Blackman family lived near Molly and young Irv Rotenberg on First Avenue next to Mosler's Bakery where my two aunts, Elsie and Ann worked. Mosler's bagels could compete easily with the best out of New York.  People of today don't know a real bagel.  I still remember Elsie coming home early with Mom and I waiting for her with her bag of warm bagels, and we ate them without any cream cheese or anything.  Just ate those delicious bagels.  And the aroma....the best!  

People here chose to live close to each other and it was a wonderful way to live, like we think about the old country and its shtetl-life  of Fiddler On the Roof.  In this small area, anything that anybody needed for good living was available within walking distance.  There was the library within a few blocks.  There were 6 synagogues.  You could take your pick of the one you'd rather be dead that caught in; and they were within a few blocks.  

There were grocery stores such as Korsun's, Louis Leveton's drugstore, Sig Sichel's Cigar shop on 3rd Ave., the laundry, the hospital, the community center.  The Solomon Apartments, built by Jacob Solomon was at First and Caruthers. Dave Schneiderman had a pool hall, often crowded with older boys and its foot patrolman, Mr. Nichols. Calistro and Halperin had a delicatessen between Caruthers and Sheridan that catered to both the Italian and Jewish trade, since its owners came from each ethnic group.  Simon Director, Isaac Friedman and Joseph Nudelman had competition for my father's market with kosher meat markets within a few blocks of each other along First Avenue. They had it all in this South Portland ghetto.  It was sweet living and really everybody helped each other.  Along First Avenue, a little north at first and Grant, was Robison's dry goods store, a mini-department store used by South Portlanders.  It was Mrs. Robison's sons, Charles and Edward, who donated funding to help establish the Robison Home, the Jewish community's modern care facility for the elderly.  


Gus J. Solomon, Liberal Politics, Jews and the Federal Courts by Harry H. Stein-Oregon Historical Society Press, Portland, 2006

The Jews of Oregon 1850-1950 by Steven Lowenstein, 1987

The Downtown Jews-a walking tour through Portland's early business district by Polina Olsen , 2009


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Tribe of Levi That Moses Was From

 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

Jacob had 12 sons who were the origins of the famous 12 Tribes of of Jacob.  Levi was Jacob's 3rd son with Leah, his first wife.  The Levites were the tribe that Moses and his brother, Aaron, were from.


Aaron was made high priest by Moses, and all his sons were to follow in his footsteps.  His DNA has been found to be called J1 or the Cohen gene.  Supposedly, all the Levites should have carried the same Y haplogroup of Jacob, and Jacob would have been carrying the same as his father, etc.                         

Scientists have found that this is true of the Cohens who lived under special conditions like not marrying a divorced woman, other  conditions, but is not proving to be true for the group designated as the Levites.                                       

                 Daniel Eskow, Levite, Russian Jewish,  painting by me

Levites:  In very ancient times, all the male descendants of the tribe of Levi were consecrated by Moses to serve in the  the Temple and to instruct the people.                       

 In those days, the 1st-born of each family served as priest, but because of the loyalty of the Levites during the incident of the Golden Calf, they replaced the first born of everyone. 

Each family of Levites was assigned specific duties connected with the transport and assembly of the parts of the future Temple in the wilderness.  The family of Aaron was singled out for service as priests within the Temple-to-be (as a temporary site, referred to as the Tabernacle.)                             

             Bon Voyage party before moving to Israel to teach

After the conquest of Canaan, the Levites were enjoined to teach the Torah to the people, being therefore excluded from any territorial inheritance but receiving 48 towns with their environs throughout the country, as well as a tithe of the agricultural produce.  This arrangement worked somewhat differently to practice.   Daniel, above, finally became a high school history teacher, and he was amazing at it in Oregon.


Certain towns assigned to the Levites were only captured a long time after the conquest, or not at all, and there is no evidence to show how effective was the collection of tithes.  Consequently, some of the Levites served at High Places, especially in the Northern Kingdom after Jeroboam had instituted independent worship.  

According to Chronicles at the very end of the Tanakh, when the Temple service was organized, traditionally by David, the Levites were divided into groups, each engaging in different work (singers, instramentalists, gatekeepers, assistants to the priests during the sacrifice, etc.  Like the priests, every group was divided into 24 sections, each serving for a week at a time.                        

Out of the tribe of Levi, with the Cohens being the direct line of Aaron, the Levites outnumbered the Cohens.They had become a 2nd-class priesthood.  They got to read from the Torah after the Cohens.  Temple-sacrifice privileges--at the very core of Jewish sacred ritual--were limited to the sons of the high priest Zadok (Cohens), whereas Levites became responsible for more mundane tasks such as day to day upkeep of the Temple, guarding the door, and transporting the Ark of the Covenant.                                                      

     Danny in Israel, teaching.  Under Israeli pressure now in my painting. He's wearing the Israeli style prayer shawl.  

In 2nd Temple times, the Priests outnumbered the Levites, and apparently shared their tithes.  In halakhah, or the law, the Levite is regarded as 2nd to the Priest, and has the privilege of having the Priest's hands before the latter blesses the people.  They had less influence and prestige than the Cohanim.  The Levite position was therefore ambiguous:  of high status but impoverished, "priestly" but not high priests.  Dan never felt impoverished in the status of a Levite but very proud to be one and took it seriously.  Sadly, he died without being DNA tested. 

However, their responsibilities grew to include composition and performance of liturgical music, as well as teaching, administration and interpretation of Jewish law and ritual.  These functions became especially important during the Hellenistic period and, long before the destruction of the 2nd Temple, helped steer Jewish worship away from the Temple and into the homes and new synagogues.

About R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites

According to a 2003 study, about 52% of Ashkenazi men with a tradition of Levite descent belong to the R1a haplogroup. That haplogroup is less common among Ashkenazim without a tradition of Levite descent (and R1a-Y2619 men without a tradition of Levite descent are often able to determine from genealogical records or tombstones that their direct male line is in fact Levite). The haplogroup is found only rarely among Sephardim (both Levites and non-Levites).

Men belonging to this R1a cluster of Ashkenazi men have become known as R1a1a Ashkenazi Levites or, more recently, as R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites (Y2619 is a single-nucleotide polymorphism ("SNP") that is shared by all R1a1a Ashkenazi Levites.) It is possible that the origin of this haplogroup comes from Khazaria.

Many Levites have been found to carry the R-M17 haplogroup line, and it is now thought to have originated from Khazaria. The Khazar Empire stood to the east of the area of the Ashkenazi Jews, between the Dnieper and Volga rivers, and reached south into the modern nation of Georgia. Khazaria was established by Central Asian Turkic speaking people whose empire converted to Judaism when confronted that they were trading with Christians, Jews and Muslims, and so the Bulan or king actually chose Judaism and all followed. The people were no doubt Slavic and carriers of R-M17. We can't be sure, but it's a good possibility.

Today, the tribe of Levi, made up of the Cohanim and Levites, is the only tribe left out of the 12 Tribes of Jacob, though one would have thought that it wound be the tribe of Judah! Why is that? Similar to the modern-day Cohanim, non-Cohen Levites are estimated to account for some 4% of the contemporary Ashkenazi community and somewhat less of the Sephardi population. They are found in synagogues all over the world. Remember, they were scattered among all the tribes, and didn't have their own plot of land. In more observant congregations, Levites continue to discharge their historical religious functions. While they no longer have occasion to enforce rectitude at sword point as they once did, in some congregations, they still wash the hands of the Cohanim before the contemporary "priests" deliver their blessings.

In my experience, I have 3 DNA matches of the Y haplogroup E-L117, father and son, with son being very musical, a pianist, and another being a musician, playing the clarinet in his band. Could they also be Levites? Or could this just be coincidence? I wonder about the Cantors of Judaism? How many of them are Levites?

One would think that the general public of Jews, who are called the Israelites, would be the group who suffered the most in the Holocaust, being the remainder of the tribe of Judah, not counting the Cohens and Levites. Jews remaining are only 0.02% of the world population. Jews make up 2% of the USA population.

We're a very small group that should be protected, yet we still suffered from anti-Semitism. We're a group made smaller on our own as well by marrying outside out faith and assimilating., as well. We also have a 3rd danger of our own people turning against us in their desire to be liked by their own peer group; self-hating Jews. Sometimes I think they're out biggest danger.


Updated with title: 12/29/2021, 10pm Pacific Time 

Book: Jacob's Legacy : A Genetic View of Jewish History

Friday, January 1, 2021

Rabbi Lipman's Opinion of A Promised Land's Overview of Israel by Barack Obama

Rabbi Dov Lipman                                           

 American-born Rabbi Dov Lipman made aliyah in 2004 and served as a member of the Knesset in 2013-15. 

An article that agrees with my feelings and facts that Obama has been besmirching Israel .  Obama wrote in his book of around 700 pages, A Promised Land, about Israel.  Here's what a rabbi thought of it.  I have felt that Obama was not a backer of Israel, and saw this on his last day in office when he did not back Israel in the UN vote.  That was quite blatant.  Nadene Goldfoot

I have never criticized former President Barack Obama publicly — neither during my time in the Knesset nor anywhere else — despite my having disagreed with many of his policies. I am of the strong opinion that Israelis should not engage in or interfere with American politics, and I regularly offer a blanket thank you to all American presidents, including Obama, for their economic and military support for Israel.

However, his memoir, “A Promised Land,” is filled with historical inaccuracies that I feel the need to address. His telling of Israel’s story (at the beginning of Chapter 25) not only exhibits a flawed understanding of the region — which clearly impacted his policies as president — but misleads readers in a way that will forever shape their negative perspective of the Jewish state.

Obama relates, for example, how the British were “occupying Palestine” when they issued the Balfour Declaration calling for a Jewish state. But labeling Great Britain as an “occupier” casts doubt on its legitimacy to determine anything about the future of the Holy Land, and that wasn’t the situation.

While it is true that England had no legal rights in Palestine when the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917, that changed just five years later. The League of Nations, precursor to the United Nations, gave the British legal rights over Palestine in its 1922 “Mandate for Palestine,” which specifically mentions “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.”

The League also said that “recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”

The former president’s noted omission of the internationally agreed-upon mandate for the British to establish a home for the Jews in Palestine misinforms the reader, who will conclude that the movement for a Jewish state in Palestine had no legitimacy or international consent.

“Over the next 20 years, Zionist leaders mobilized a surge of Jewish migration to Palestine,” Obama writes, creating the image that once the British illegally began the process of forming a Jewish state in Palestine, Jews suddenly started flocking there.

The truth is that Jews, who maintained a continual presence throughout the 2,000 years that most were exiled from the land, had already been moving to Palestine in large numbers way before then; considerably more than 100,000 immigrants arrived in the late 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. Then, in the 1920s, high numbers fleeing anti-Semitism in Europe could only find safe haven in Palestine due to the United States having instituted quotas in 1924 on the number of Jews who could enter America. The number of immigrants rose even more in the 1930s when Adolf Hitler came to power.

Historical context is important, and once Obama chose to write about the history, he should have provided the full context and portrayed the Jews as they were: a persecuted and desperate people searching for safety, and not, as he implies, strong conquerors flooding into Palestine.

His claim that the new immigrants “organized highly trained armed forces to defend their settlements” is also misleading. A more accurate way to describe it would have been: “Because the Arabs in the region mercilessly attacked the Jewish areas, the Jewish refugees had no choice but to take up arms to defend themselves.”

Acknowledging that the Arabs were attacking Jews before there was even a State of Israel is important historical context for understanding the Israeli-Arab conflict.

“A Promised Land” recounts, as well, how the United Nations passed a partition plan for Palestine in November 1947, by dividing the country into a Jewish and Arab state, which the “Zionist leaders,” as he calls them, accepted, but to which the “Arab Palestinians, as well as surrounding Arab nations that were just emerging from colonial rule, strenuously objected.”

Obama’s use of “Zionist leaders” instead of “Jewish leaders” plays right into the current international climate, in which it is politically correct to be “anti-Zionist,” while unacceptable to be anti-Jewish. (In reality, Zionism is the movement for Jews to live in their biblical and historic homeland, so being against that actually is anti-Semitism, but that’s for another discussion.)

The description of “Arab nations that were just emerging from colonial rule” is a clear attempt to justify the Arab refusal of the UN Partition Plan. Those poor “Arab nations” that have been suffering due to outsiders colonizing their “nations” simply could not accept another “colonial” entity, the Jews, entering the region.

But the truth is that with the exception of Egypt, which was not colonized, none of the neighboring countries that rejected the partition plan had been established states before World War I. Yes, the post-war mandates of the League of Nations gave control in the region to the British and the French for a few decades, but this was in place of the Ottoman Empire that had controlled the region for centuries. Thus, the image of countries emerging from long-standing colonial rule as a subtle attempt to justify their objection to the Partition Plan is simply false.

Obama tells the story of the establishment of the State of Israel in two sentences, which are nothing short of outright revisionist history: “As Britain withdrew, the two sides quickly fell into war. And with Jewish militias claiming victory in 1948, the state of Israel was officially born.”

Wow. I don’t even know where to begin.

The two sides didn’t “fall into war” when Britain withdrew; the two sides had been fighting for decades, with the Arabs — who rejected more than half-a-century of efforts to establish a Jewish state in the region — attacking the Jews, and the Jews defending themselves. When the British then left the area in May 1948, the Jews made a very difficult decision to declare their independence based on the UN Partition Plan, which gave the right for a Jewish state alongside an Arab state.

There were no “Jewish militias claiming victory.” There was a unified Jewish army that formed the Israel Defense Forces, which knew that the surrounding Arab countries would begin an all-out assault to destroy Israel the moment its Jewish leadership declared an independent fledgling Jewish state. And that is exactly what the Arab armies did. The new State of Israel fought off that assault for months, emerging in 1949 both weak and fragile.

Obama’s perspective on formation of the State of Israel no doubt affected foreign policy regarding the Jewish state. If one sees Israel as a colonial force occupying the land as a result of its armed militias, then it will be treated as an outsider that wronged others to establish itself as a state.

The most disingenuous sentence of Obama’s history of Israel is in his description of what happened during the 30 years following Israel’s establishment: “For the next three decades, Israel would engage in a succession of conflicts with its Arab neighbors …”

What? I had to read that sentence many times because I could not believe that a president of the United States could write such misleading, deceptive and damaging words about his country’s close ally.

Israel did not “engage” in any conflict with the surrounding Arab countries. The Arab armies and their terrorists attacked Israel again and again, and Israelis fought to defend themselves.( my comment: 1947-9, 56, 67, 73, etc, etc.always defensive) 

• • •

A straightforward history of Middle East wars involving Israel yields this basic truth. Facts are facts, and the former president’s misrepresentation of Israel as a country that sought conflict instead of peace — one that willingly engaged in wars with the Arabs — does an injustice to peace-seeking Israel and riles up anti-Israel sentiment.

Obama’s description of the 1967 Six-Day Way continues this revisionism: “A greatly outnumbered Israeli military routed the combined armies of Egypt, Jordan and Syria. In the process, Israel seized control of the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, and the Golan Heights from Syria.”

Here he fails to address what led up to the war, when all those Arab armies gathered along Israel’s borders and declared their intention to wipe it off the map. He doesn’t describe Israel’s pleading with Jordan not to enter the war, nor that Jordan altogether had no legal rights to the West Bank, which it occupied in 1948 and annexed against international law in 1950.

Most significantly, Obama fails to mention Israel’s willingness, immediately after the war, to withdraw from all the areas that it won in its defensive battle in exchange for peace; and by extension, he also fails to tell of the Arab League’s “Three No’s” in response to that offer: no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel.

This omission serves once again to portray Israel as the aggressive occupier that seeks conflict and not peace.

The former president continues with another outright falsehood, which helps give insight into his policies regarding Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

The “rise of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)” was a “result” of the Six-Day War, he writes. That makes it seem like the Palestinian liberation movement, including its violent and murderous attacks against Israelis, was only a result of Israel’s taking control over the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.

It strengthens the message that if only Israel would vacate these areas, there would be peace between Israel and the Palestinians. This is what spurs leaders around the world to suggest that Israeli settlements in these areas are the obstacle to peace in the region.

But there is one flaw with this story and logic. It’s not true. The PLO was established in 1964, three years before Israel was in control of any of those “occupied” areas and three years before there were any settlements.

What exactly was this Palestinian organization liberating at that time? Is there any conclusion other than the liberation of the Jewish state in its entirety? What other option could there be?

This is why the “Free Palestine” movement chants, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” They are against the existence of Israel anywhere between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. They see such a state as a colonial enterprise with armed militias grabbing the land of others, just as Obama leads readers to believe when describing the formation of the state.

The false description of the PLO rising after 1967 serves the narrative that the “occupation” and the settlements are the cause of the conflict, and this, no doubt, had a direct impact on Obama’s “not one brick” policy, including freezing settlement construction, in an effort to bring about peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Obama describes the failed Camp David accords of 2000, in which former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians more than 90 percent of what they were asking for. “Arafat demanded more concessions, however, and talks collapsed in recrimination,” he writes. But the talks didn’t simply “collapse.” Sixty-six days later, Arafat unleashed the Second Intifada, in which 1,137 Israeli civilians were murdered and 8,341 were maimed by Yasser Arafat-funded terrorists who blew themselves up in Israeli buses and cafes.

Don’t trust my word on this. Mamduh Nofal, former military commander of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, revealed that following Camp David, “Arafat told us, ‘Now we are going to fight so we must be ready’.”

In addition, Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar said in September 2010 that in the summer of 2000, as soon as Arafat understood that all of his demands would not be met, he instructed Hamas, Fatah and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades to begin attacking Israel. And Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, has verified that the Second Intifada was pre-planned by Arafat.

Not only does Obama fail to accurately connect the Second Intifada to Arafat’s not receiving everything the Palestinians asked for at Camp David — demands that would have prevented Israel from being able to defend itself against Palestinian terrorism — but he seems to place the blame for the intifada on Israel.

He describes the September 2000 visit of Israel’s opposition leader and subsequent prime minister, Ariel Sharon, to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as “provocative” and a “stunt” that “enraged Arabs near and far.”

But Obama neglects to mention that Sharon only visited there after Israel’s Interior Ministry received assurances from the security chief of the Palestinian Authority that no uproar would arise as a result of the visit. In fact, Jibril Rajoub, head of Preventive Security in the West Bank, confirmed that Sharon could visit the sensitive area as long as he did not enter a mosque or pray publicly, rules to which Sharon adhered.

Even more incredibly, Obama describes the Temple Mount as “one of Islam’s holiest sites,” making no mention that it is the holiest site in Judaism. (This is where the 1st Temple of King Solomon stood, and the 2nd Temple was a rebuilt 1st on the same spot.)  

• • •

An innocent reader who is unfamiliar with the region and its history reads this and concludes that it was simply wrong for a Jewish leader to walk onto a Muslim religious site. On the other hand, if he or she knew that it is the holiest site for Jews, then they would more likely wonder why there was anything wrong with Sharon’s having gone there — except Obama omits that part, leading anyone to conclude that Sharon was in the wrong.

That omission, together with the exclusion of Arafat’s plans for the intifada right after negotiations at Camp David failed, would lead one to conclude that Israel was responsible for the five years of bloodshed during the Second Intifada.

Obama’s history lesson continues with the tension between Israel and Gaza. Remarkably, he makes zero mention of the Israeli disengagement from Gaza in 2005, when Israel pulled out all of its troops from the strip while forcing 9,000 Jewish citizens to leave their homes.

Anyone reading the president’s description of the wars between Israel and Hamas would never know that Israel no longer “occupies” Gaza, and that the Palestinians have been free to build a wondrous “Israeli-free” Palestinian state there for the last 15 years. That omission is glaring.

Finally, Obama’s misleading words describing Israel’s response to Hamas rocket fire on its civilian population only serves to inflame and incite anti-Israel sentiment worldwide. That response, he writes, included “Israeli Apache helicopters leveling entire neighborhoods” in Gaza — Apache helicopters that he identifies as coming from the United States, a subtle or not-too-subtle questioning of whether the United States should be providing Israel with military aid if it is used in this manner.

More importantly, what does he mean by “leveling entire neighborhoods,” other than to imply that Israel indiscriminately bombs Gazan neighborhoods, willfully murdering innocent people? And what human being wouldn’t be riled up to condemn Israel for such inhumane activity?

The problem is that it’s false.

Israel targets terrorist leaders and the rockets that they fire into Israeli cities. Tragically, Hamas leaders use innocent Palestinians as human shields by hiding behind them in civilian neighborhoods, and by launching rockets into Israel from there and from hospitals and mosques.

Israel does its best not to kill innocent people, even airdropping leaflets announcing an imminent airstrike, and calls off missions to destroy rocket launchers or kill terrorist leaders when there are too many civilians in the area. Israel most certainly does not launch retaliatory attacks that aimlessly “level” entire neighborhoods.

I have no problem with criticism of Israel. We can debate the issues in intellectually honest discussions, and in the end, we may have to agree to disagree about Israel’s policies. But no one should accept a book that is filled with historical inaccuracies that invariably lead innocent and unknowing readers to reach false conclusions. Such a devastating book has real-life ramifications and consequences.

It is terribly disappointing. I surely would have expected truth, accuracy and fairness from Barack Obama, America’s 44th president. But the falsehoods and inaccuracies in this memoir only feed the theory that Obama was, in fact, anti-Israel. Now, through “A Promised Land,” he seeks to convince others to join him.

American-born Rabbi Dov Lipman made aliyah in 2004 and served as a member of the Knesset in 2013-15.

In July 2004, the Lipman family immigrated to Israel, and moved to Bet Shemesh  where Lipman taught in post-high school yeshivot and seminaries Yesodei HaTorah, Machon Maayan, Tiferet and Reishit Yerushalayim. He had to renounce his dual citizenship as he could not serve on the Knesset otherwise.  
