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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon Brunch Meeting

Pam is speaking with her power point program.

Today was our annual Brunch meeting of JGSO. Pamela Weisberger, the program chairman for the Jewish Genealogical Society of Los Angeles, came up from California to be our speaker.
She spoke about finding people in the newspaper in such articles as marriages, divorces and items of deception and murder in the 1890's. She has visited and researched her ancestral towns and villages in the Polish, Ukrainian and Hungarian archives. She has also found much information in 19th to early 20th century city directories, newspapers and court records. Most of her examples were from work on her own families presented in a power point program.
We enjoyed the bagels, cream cheese and lox with tomatoes and onions. Along with that we had hard boiled eggs, a variety of fresh fruits and pastries for dessert.
Everyone left hoping to find some juicy tidbit recorded in some historical newspaper that would reveal more about the ancestor they were researching. ProQuest, here we come.