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Monday, October 5, 2009

Obama Backing Ousted Honduran Zelaya, Anti-Semitic Guy

Obama has taken sides in Honduras's governing party. He is backing someone that was thrown out of office, Zelaya. Zelaya is very anti-semitic.

"The Law Library of Congress review that shows that Mr. Zelaya's removal from office was legal, and the clear evidence that he is Mr. Chávez's man in Tegucigalpa. On Thursday, Mr. Kerry took the unprecedented step of trying to block a fact-finding mission to Honduras by Republican Sen. Jim DeMint, who is resisting Mr. Obama's efforts to restore Mr. Zelaya to power.Mr. Zelaya, recall, was arrested, deposed and deported on June 28 because he violated the Honduran Constitution."-from Mary Anastasia O'Grady's article in Wall Street Journal.

One of the backers of this man, David Romero Ellner, Executive director of Radio Globo, Honduras, said Sept. 25, 2009, is a radio personality. Here is how he identifies with Manuel Zelaya.
Sometimes I ask myself if Hitler wasn't right when he wanted to finish with that race, through the famous holocaust, because if there are people that are harmful to this country, they are the Jews, the Israelites.

He is one of Honduras's most vocal advocates for the return of deposed president Manuel Zelaya to office.

Zelaya has joined Hugo Chavez in attacking Jews. They are both connecting with Iran in their hatred. In fact, Hondurasn Foreign Minister Patricia Rodas met with Iran in meetings in Mexico City just recently.

"President Barack Obama and Democratic Sen. John Kerry—despite the Law Library of Congress review that shows that Mr. Zelaya's removal from office was legal, and the clear evidence that he is Mr. Chávez's man in Tegucigalpa," are backing this anti-semite.

From New York and the Anti-Defamation League: NEW YORK -- The tense political stalemate in Honduras has given rise to expressions of anti-Semitism and disturbing anti-Israel conspiracy theories, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). "Some political leaders, pundits and others in Honduras and Venezuela are saying that Israel and Jews played a role in the ouster and intimidation of President Manuel Zelaya and are in cahoots with the de facto president, Robert Micheletti," said the ADL.
TEGUCIGALPA -- It's been 89 days since Manuel Zelaya was booted from power. He's sleeping on chairs, and he claims his throat is sore from toxic gases and "Israeli mercenaries'' are torturing him with high-frequency radiation.
Our president has joined the club made up of other anti-semitics. Manuel Zelaya, the ousted leftist leader of Honduras, is backed by Latin American Marxists Raul Castro, Evo Morales, Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez. Who is he trying to impress? Is this reflecting who he really sides with?