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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hamas PM Considering A Deal Thrusting Israel to 67 Borders

Nadene Goldfoot
Ismail Haniya is the prime minister of Hamas terrorists in Gaza and just said he was ready to resign.  He has been counseled in Cairo, Egypt whose people have set forth the plan of a transitional unity government which will hold elections.  Egypt has an interest in this as they share a border with Gaza. 

The Fatah prime minister is Salam Fayyad who hopes that this agreement will lead to the "reunification of the nation.  This will allow the people to decide their destiny and establish an independent state on "all territories occupied since 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital." 

So here we see what they are intending to do.  Push back Israel to the 1967 borders just like that and take East Jerusalem.  I doubt if Israel wlll be so obliging.  Actually, they have just decided to go back to the point they used to be at before their big split when they were encouraged to hold elections and Hamas won.  This time Mubarek isn't available to respect the peace pact that Egypt had with Israel and seems to be going against the idea with their new democratic ideas.  Democracy for them, destruction for Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East is their plan.

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