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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Israel and the World with Peace Negotiations

On April 12, 2011, Hillary Clinton said that Obama's administration planned a new push to promote Arab-Israel peace in the coming weeks. 

King Abdulla of Jordan will be hosted by Obama on May 17th at the White House.

On May 20, Netanyahu will talk with President Barack Obama who has been trying to create a peace deal.  Obama feels this must come about now because of the political upheaval in the Arab world.

On May 24th, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will speak to the U.S. Congress on his Washington visit. He will adddress a meeting of both chambers of Congress.   He is against the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah.  Hamas's charter is still reporting that their goal is to destroy Israel.  He feels this union undermines any peace prospects now. 

In September the U.N. may be voting on the creation of a Palestine by the Arabs of Hamas and Fatah.  These Palestinians are pushing for Israel to return to the 1967 borders and to give East Jerusalem to them for a capital. Israel has already given up Gaza and has found that it has only brought the enemy closer as it is now the grounds where all the missiles and mortars have been coming from.  Israel has given up much of their very tiny piece of land already to Egypt, and while Sadat and Mubarek were at the helm, peace was kept.  Today we see the Muslim Brotherhood gaining ground in Egypt.  Their charter is also against Jews and Israel.  (Go to Stand With Us and read it again. I also have it on one of my blogs.)

We know that the Palestinian unity will follow Hamas' creed of destroying Israel.  Going back to the 67 borders and giving up part of Jerusalem will also be like giving the killers ammunition for Israel's own suicide.  Giving into what the Arabs want is not the answer to the world's problems.  That's why Netanyahu has not frozen any building in Judea and Samaria.  A peaceful nation living there is not coming from the Palestinians.  It's like saying, "Sure, it's okay with me if drug dealers move into the house next door.  "  You know there will be more trouble than you can stand if that happens. 

Israel has just celebrated its 63 birthday.  Its continuation is in the balance and a lot depends on the USA's decisions as well as the U.N.  The ultimate decisions about Israel rest with Ha Shem.  May Israel also see its 120th birthday and many more to come.

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