A child's personality and makeup are created by the time they are 6 years old.
It only takes that long to develop inherited and learned personality traits, and we are set for life. Luckily, some bad traits can be redefined with the help of a good psychologist, but so much of us affects the genes we inherit
to be good or bad traits. Whether we were fortunate enough to have wonderful, intelligent parents or the type that were child-beaters, sometimes our genes outweigh and save us under even the harshest of horrible conditions of our environment.
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Jews in Poland being forced into one area to live in, then to be transported to death camps to be gassed. This turned out to be the total extinction of 6 million Jews in Europe and other places. |
The Old Testament in Deuteronomy 14:2 states: "For you are a holy people to the Lord your G-d, and the Lord has chosen you to be his own treasure out of all the peoples that are upon the face of the earth." In other words, originally, G-d chose the Jews as his favorite. Because of this, the rest of the Christians must have felt a lot of jealousy. In fact, some Protestant groups insist that they have replaced us and we are no longer special. Well, as Tevia said in "Fiddler on the Roof," "Ha Shem, why couldn't you have picked someone else?" What is the "Old Testament?" "The Old Testament (abbreviated OT) is the first part of the Christian biblical canon, which is based primarily upon the twenty-four books of the Hebrew Bible (or Tanakh), a collection of ancient religious Hebrew writings by the Israelites believed by most Christians and religious Jews to be the sacred Word of God. " We believe that the 1st 5 books in it were written by Moses himself. Moses gave the Jews (the Israelites) 613 laws to follow in order to be molded into very special and moral people in order that they would be the light of the nations; the example of good behavior. Moses saved these people from 400 years of living in Egypt of which most was spent in slavery-servitude to the Egyptians. All who were these slaves followed Moses to freedom of which we celebrate with the upcoming holiday Wednesday night of Passover.
Second most famous Jewish words comes from the original teachings of Torah and is called the Golden Rule written by Hillel who said simply, "Don't do to others what you don't want to happen to you."
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Moses, b: 1391 BCE-d: 1273 BCE at 120 years. Wandered with 600,000 Israelites for 40 years before reaching Canaan and could not enter with Joshua and others because he had lost his temper once. |
The ancient Hebrews, as Israelites came to be called because they spoke Hebrew, were the 1st to base their life as a nation under Kings Saul, David and Solomon on the idea of One G-d, the G-d of all nations and all peoples. In a very real sense, the ancient Hebrews were also "chosen" to bring this message to the world. The most famous lesson was the Ten Commandments. Just think, laws are made to fix things and make them better. We have the law of wearing seat belts when driving, and this was to keep people from being killed in an accident. The Ten Commandments are found in Deut. 4:13;10:4, etc proclaimed by G-d on Mt. sinai and transmitted through Moses to Israel. This is considered the fountainhead of all the other laws. They are given in Exod. 20:2-14 The 1st 5 describe man's duties to G-d, and the last 5 his responsibilities to his fellow-man.
An example: 1. Belief in G-d; 2, Prohibition of idolatry; 3. Prohibition of vain oaths, 4. The Sabbath, 5.Honor your father and your mother, so that your days will be lengthened upon the land that Hashem, your G-d, gives you. 6: "You shall not kill; 7. you shall not commit adultery; Prohibition against kidnapping-meaning stealing... you shall not steal; 9. you shall not bear false witness against your fellow, 10. you shall not covet your fellow's house, You shall not covet your fellow's wife, his manservant, his maidservant, his ox, his donkey, nor anything that belongs to your fellow.
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Esau and Jacob, twins of Isaac DNA of J1c3d as different as day and night |
So, in our beginning, we were a people who were strong and free with Abraham as our founding father reaching back as far as 1948 BCE or in the 2nd millennium BCE who through his son Isaac and then his son Jacob, wound up during a famine and migrated to Egypt which was our only choice available at the time. From there our story began. Since then we have felt the slings, arrows, stones and bullets, rockets, and missiles real and of hatred from so many; Crusaders, Spanish Inquisition, on and on to the Holocaust, and now the Arabs in the Middle East. For over 3,000 years we have believed in one G-d and the need of our moral compass given to us by Moses to be a compassionate and good people, only to find we are not acceptable in this world. If Moses were to return to earth today, he would recognize much of the Torah, the Hebrew language, and many of the traditional teachings of our people. Empires have come and gone since his time here, but ours continues.
That makes our history unique. Since we have so often been ruled by those who sought to destroy us and they are gone and we remain makes it striking: like the Hellenizers of Ptolemaic rule and then the Seleucids, the surrounding kingdoms of Israel, Philistines and Phoenicians.
During our history we have changed the life and thought of humanity, bringing to the world ideals of equality, decency, and morality which, however imperfectly carried out, are the driving forces of today's civilization."
We see the world as good, believing that G-d has a plan for the universe, a plan in which each of us plays a part. No individual is hopelessly evil. Every person can choose to do good, and in that way help perfect the quality of life on earth.
As Isaiah 2:2-4 put it:
And it shall come to pass in the end of days,
That the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established as the top of the mountains,
And He shall judge between the nations,
And they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nations,
Neither shall they learn war anymore,
My People --Abba Eban's History of the Jews, adapted by David Bamberger
Passover Haggadah with a new translation by Chaim Raphael
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia