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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Palestinian Terrorist Groups: PLO, Hamas

Nadene Goldfoot
From the time of Israel's creation in 1948 to 1967 when Israel won in the Six Day War, Judea and Samaria (West Bank) were under Arab rule.  There were no Jewish settlements there.  Gaza was occupied by Egypt and the West Bank by Jordan.  The Arabs were not yelling for their own independent state until Israel took control of these places in 1967. 

The PLO was founded in 1964 by the Arab League.  Terrorist groups were set up in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq.  They looked over at Israel and wanted it so said they wanted to "liberate it." They clearly stated that they'd accept a West Bank state as the 1st step toward their creating a Palestinians state in place of Israel.  They called this the strategy of stages.  Their leader, Arafat cried out in 1988, "No, no, no!  We do not recognize Israel.  We said there would be recognition when a Palestinian state is established and it will decide whether to recognize Israel or not."  The fight continued from 1965 to the present with hundreds of Israelis and others dying in PLO terrorist attacks. 

The original PLO Covenant's Article 6 declared that only Jews who were in Palestine before ...1917, when the Balfour Declaration was signed would  be considered Palestinians.  You see, they also planned to replace Israel with their "democratic" state.  At that time they didn't know what democratic even meant.  Their leadership was decided by bullets instead of ballots.  The size of each militia decided how many representatives they could have.  Opponents were murdered.  They did become less secular to counter the growing influence of Islamic groups such as Hamas.

The PLO received a very stiff challenge from the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).  UN employees at refugee camps in Gaza chose Hamas over the PLO to represent them in 1990.  The Hebron Chamber of Commerce held eletions in 1991 and many Hamas candidates outpolled the PLO hopefuls.  The PLO made overtures to Hamas, but didn't have fundamentalist Islamic groups represented.  Evidentlly today this has changed. 

In 2006 an election was held in which Hamas won.  They had a battle, but Abbas, Fatah's leader was driving to Judea and Samaria.  Just recently they have united once again. 

Fatah's leader, Abbas, is now 76 years old.  He's tired.  He's given into Hamas and his citizens who have wanted unity with Hamas.  The charter of Hamas refuses to recognize Israel.  The Palestinians are going to have to change their tune or else they must pick a different site for their country, because Israel it won't be. 

Reference: Book: Myths and Facts, a concise record of the Arab-Israeli conflict by Dr. Mitchell G. Bard and Joel HImelfarb

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